A.Y. Program Idea: An Appeal to the Youth

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How to Obtain Heaven’s Healing

Why do we get sick?

Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health.

What does this mean?

  1. The symptoms of disease (e.g. pain, fever, and inflammation) are nature’s effort to get better.
  2. Disease comes because we are violating God’s physical laws.

How can symptoms of disease be our body’s effort to recover?

Disease is not a negative condition which should be combated and suppressed (‘cured’), but a self-defensive, protective effort of the body to restore health. Pain is our body’s way of telling us that something is wrong. Inflammation is a re-constructive process and should not be suppressed. Every acute disease is an effort of nature to cleanse and heal. When suppressed, it becomes sub-acute, and then, with time, chronic and degenerative.

How is disease the result of violating God’s physical laws?

Medicine suggests that we are victims of sickness, attacked by a bad organism, having a bad organ, cursed by bad genes, etc. In reality, illness is most often a result of our own choices not dependent on uncontrollable factors. Disease-causing organisms are scavengers; they cannot find a home in a healthy body with a strong immune system. Bacteria, virus, or parasitic infection is not the primary cause of disease but rather its result. Even the father of the germ theory, Pasteur, began to understand the true relationship of germs to disease late in his life, when he stated: “The germ is nothing, the soil [the condition of the body] is everything,” meaning that a germ can only thrive in a suitable environment.

God’s law is written by His own finger upon every nerve, every muscle, and every faculty which has been entrusted to man. God in His wisdom has established natural laws for the proper control of dress, appetites, and passions, and He requires of us obedience in every particular; this determines the condition of our health. All our enjoyment or suffering may be traced to obedience or to transgression of natural law.

God loves His creatures with a love that is both tender and strong. He has established the laws of nature; but His laws are not arbitrary exactions. Every “Thou shalt not,” whether in physical or moral law, contains or implies a promise. If it is obeyed, blessings will attend our steps; if it is disobeyed, the result is danger and unhappiness. The transgression of the physical law is transgression of God’s law. As sin is the transgression of the moral law, disease is the transgression of the physical law.

Florence Nightingale once said, “There are no specific diseases only specific disease conditions.” Disease is merely a departure from normal health. A careful conformity to the laws which God has implanted in our being will insure health, and there will not be a breaking down of the constitution. God has pledged Himself to keep this machinery in healthful action if the human agent will obey His laws, and co-operate with him. “If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee… for I am the LORD that healeth thee.” Exodus 15:26.

When we realize that disease is the result of transgression of God’s physical laws, the cure for it is found in identifying the cause. Remove the cause and we have found the cure.

So what should I do when I get sick?

The greatest cause of human suffering is ignorance on the subject of how to treat our own bodies. In case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, and wrong habits corrected. Then, nature is to be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and to re-establish right conditions in the system.

When the abuse of health is carried so far that sickness results, we can often do what no one else can do for ourselves:

  1. First find out what is causing the disease, because disease never comes without a cause. Reason with yourself, “What could I have done to become sick?” In the beginning reasoning from cause to effect may be challenging to ascertain but with practice and conscious awareness it will become easy. And then you will be able to say like David, “I understand more than the ancients, because I keep Thy precepts.” Psalm 119:100.
  2. Remove the cause; stop doing the things that made you sick.
  3. Assist the body’s efforts to expel impurities by using natural remedies and trusting in God.
  4. Lastly, do not endeavor to adjust the difficulties by adding a burden of poisonous medicines.

How can I obtain Heaven’s healing?

There are many ways of practicing the healing art; but there is only one way that Heaven approves. God’s remedies are the simple agencies of nature that will not tax or debilitate the system through their powerful properties.

Pure air and water, cleanliness, proper diet, purity of life, and a firm trust in God, these are remedies for the want of which thousands are dying; yet these remedies are going out of date because their skillful use requires work that the people do not appreciate. Fresh air, exercise, pure water, and clean, sweet premises, are within the reach of all, with but little expense; but drugs are expensive, both in the outlay of means, and the effect produced upon the system.

God is greatly dishonored by the way in which man treats his organism, and He will not work a miracle to counteract a perverse violation of the laws of life and health. The Lord has made it a part of His plan that man’s reaping shall be according to his sowing.

However, it is a safe proposition that after a person has done all in his power to search out and put away the cause of his disease, and it is found to be after all, that the cause is beyond all human effort to remove. Then, if the one sole aim of his healing is the glory of God and the keeping of the commandments of God, he may with perfect confidence and full assurance of faith ask the Lord to heal him.

Still, while presenting our petitions with earnestness, we should say, “Nevertheless not my will, but Thine, be done.” Luke 22:42. We do not know whether the blessing we desire will be best for us or not. Therefore, our prayers should include this thought: “Lord if it is for Thy glory that my health be restored, I ask, in the name of Jesus. If it be not Thy will give me Thy grace to comfort and Thy presence to sustain me.”


So what is the only method of obtaining healing that heaven approves of?

If your doctor were to inform you that to get better you would only have to take eight different pills a day, and he gave them to you for free, would you try them? The likelihood is you would.

Today, the Greatest Physician in the universe is offering us eight remedies that one can take everyday and get better and stay well. Moreover they are so simple. Will we accept His offer?

God often uses the simplest means to accomplish the greatest results. Goliath the giant was killed by a small pebble. The power did not come from the pebble, but from David’s faith and obedience to God. Naaman the leper was healed by washing in the river of Jordan, because by obeying he expressed trust and obedience to God. Today, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), the only true Physician, would like to share with us eight remedies to prevent illness and obtain His healing.

These remedies are better than the orthodox medicines that the world gives because, firstly, they are free; secondly, they work for all; and lastly, they have no bad side-effects (only good ones like more energy, greater endurance, sharper memory, younger-looking skin, loss of extra weight, etc).

How is it possible that the same eight remedies work for all?

Although externally we may look different, internally our bodies are governed by the same physical laws of nature. That is why the same plan works for everyone.

Okay, so what are these eight remedies that Jesus wants to share with us?

Permit me to introduce these remedies one at a time:


“Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.” Ecclesiastes 11:7


In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air fill the lungs with oxygen; purify the blood, sending it – a life-giving current – to every part of the body.


“Many of the things we call biomarkers of aging might actually be biomarkers of inactivity.” Williams Evans Ph.D., The Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.


“Cleanse first that which is within…that the outside…may be clean also.” Matthew 23:26. Toxic waste builds up in the body when we do not drink enough water.


The Bible speaks of true temperance in everything concerning life, not just food. Bible temperance teaches us to dispense entirely with everything harmful, and to use judiciously that which is healthful. That means we should avoid all things that do not promote health and enjoy moderately those that do. True temperance does not refer only to eating and drinking. It includes all things in life: moderation in sleep, work, and play, also avoidance of stress, bad thoughts, anger, etc. Prolong your life by careful supervision of yourself.


Awareness is increasing that surrounded, as we are, with increasing toxicity in our food and environment, eating a pure and healthful diet is more important than ever.

• Importance of chewing
• Eat a good breakfast
• Two meals better than three
• Five to six hours between meals
• Avoid eating before sleeping
• Eat at regular times
• No snacking between meals
• More variety in diet but less variety in each meal
• Proper food combining.
o Do not mix fruits with vegetables
o Do not have fruits after the meal
o Balance between raw and cooked food, alkaline and acid food
• Drink between meals
• Not too hot; not too cold
• Enjoy your food
• Ask for the Lord’s blessings, then eat with a grateful heart


Rest is one of the most basic healers known to mankind. When we become sick, what is the thing we want most to do? To lie down. Nature will restore vigor and strength during sleep hours, if her laws are not violated.

“The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.” Ecclesiastes 5:12. Rather than taking a harmful sleeping pill, make sure to do strenuous outdoor physical labor everyday.

God also designated a day for us to rest and to consecrate it to Him. After God completed creation of the earth in six days, He rested to give us an example: “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” Genesis 2:2, 3


Stress is caused by fear and worry. This is because we do not trust in our Creator. All that God requires is simple trust – to drop into His arms with all our weaknesses, and brokenness, and imperfection. Jesus will help the helpless, and strengthen and build up those who feel that they are very weakness itself. Not a sigh is breathed, not a pain felt, not a grief pierces the soul, but the throb vibrates to the Father’s heart. The hour of man’s necessity is God’s opportunity.

Not a sigh is breathed, not a pain felt, not a grief pierces the soul, but the throb vibrates to the Father’s heart. The hour of man’s necessity is God’s opportunity.

What is the summary of the eight habits to perfect health?

  1. Sunlight
  2. Air
  3. Water
  4. Exercise
  5. Temperance
  6. Nutrition
  7. Rest
  8. Trust in God

At this point, it would be futile to stop here without addressing the mental power of your mind for the restoration and maintenance of health. The power of your mind is the most effective agency for combating disease.

The mind needs to be controlled, for it has a most powerful influence upon the health. The electric power of the brain, promoted by mental activity, vitalizes the whole system, and thus is an invaluable aid in resisting disease.

To array a man’s mind against his sickness, is the supreme art of medicine. Inspire in man courage and purpose, and the mind-power will cast out disease. Willpower is another name for life-force. Men with great will-power resist disease and combat disease when attacked. The imagination often misleads, and when indulged, brings severe forms of disease upon the afflicted.

Sickness of the mind prevails everywhere. Nine tenths of the diseases from which men suffer have their foundation here. Ninety percent of illnesses are mentally caused – mostly due to stress and guilt.



“My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee… It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.” Proverbs 3:1, 2, 8. The immune system cells form in the bone marrow, so this means that a clear conscience will strengthen your immune system.


There is a physiological truth – truth that we need to consider – in the scripture: “A merry rejoicing heart doeth good like a medicine.” Proverbs 17:22. Your thoughts is the food that your brain feeds on. You can eat foods that steal from your body, like sugar; and you can think thoughts that steal from your body, like anger. We can choose what we think, and in doing so, we choose between health and disease.


“Be careful for nothing [i.e. be anxious about nothing]; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6

Nothing tends more to promote health of body and of soul than does a spirit of gratitude and praise. It is a positive duty to resist melancholy, discontented thoughts and feelings – as much as it is a duty to pray.


Do not be stressed; instead take your problems to God in prayer. Keep your wants, your joys, your sorrows, your cares, and your fears before God. You cannot burden Him; you cannot weary Him. He who numbers the hairs of your head is not indifferent to the wants of His children. “The Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.” James 5:11.


Giving love is a powerful healer. In Love, Medicine and Miracles Dr. Bernies Siegel says: “If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globins or killer T-cells, no one would know how. But if I teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same change happens automatically.”

When you love, your immune system is energized to fight against the disease. Love changes the chemical pathways of the brain, and this will affect your body’s resistance. The love of God is all the more powerful.


“A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Proverbs 18:20, 21

“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24


Address Your Health or It Will Address You

Delay is the worst enemy for reform. Examine where you fail, and then commence the work of reform earnestly without delay. Efforts should be made to preserve carefully the remaining strength of the vital forces, by lifting off every transgression of God’s physical and moral laws. The timing of your reform will tell in favor of your success; delay and neglect is more likely to result in failure.

Ask For the Grace of God

If you are sick and want to recover, the change must be complete. Ask in faith for the strength of character needed to make the reform and the Lord will give you the power to will and the power of self-control.

Good Health is a Habit, Not an Event

Most of what we do, we do because we learnt it somewhere. Through various learning processes we acquire habits. Habits are convenient, since once we establish them, we don’t have to deliberate about everything we do. The good news is, once we follow a healthy lifestyle for long enough, it will become a habit whereby the very habit will keep us in track, with much less effort and planning on our side.

Reference and Source:


The information presented is for the educational purposes and free exchange of ideas in relation to mental, physical and spiritual health and well-being. It is not intended to diagnose any physical or mental condition, or to prescribe or promote any particular product. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice and treatment of licensed professional.

We are not doctors nor make claims in this regard. Before beginning any practice relating to your health, it is highly recommended that you first obtain the consent and advice of a licensed health care professional. Also, please consult with your doctor before using herbs since some herbs may conflict with prescription drugs that you may be taking.

In the event that you use the information offered on yourself, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right. However, the author assumes no responsibility for the choices you make after reviewing the information provided. Thank you for your understanding.

Challenge Activity for Church Youth in Lockdown


Our church organised this lockdown challenge a few weeks ago.

You can do this as well with your church group in Facebook.

Visit our Facebook page at https://web.facebook.com/rvfreesdayouth/

Join us every Saturday for our Live Sabbath Services.

Hoping to be a blessing.

Stay safe.

Keep up the faith.




Nature in the Bible Pop Quiz

Image result for pop quiz

Image source: http://weclipart.com/pop+quiz+clipart


Good morning everyone.

I would like to share this pop quiz idea about nature in the Bible.

These quiz contains 15 questions about nature mentioned in the Bible. Please feel free to add more questions if you like.

Prepare sheets of paper and pens for the participants if needed.

Download PowerPoint presentation here —-> Nature in the Bible pop quiz

Hope this will give you an idea for your AY programs.


Hoping to be a blesing,


Hello and Welcome



Hello everyone. And welcome to our blog. this happens to be the first post in here so I am kinda excited to write about it.

This blog aims to connect with SDA youth and non-SDA youth around the world, to share with each other our ideas and inspirations to further ignite our spirits in Christ.

The need to blog about it came every time I try to search online for ideas on how to further make our Adventist Youth Sabbath afternoon programs more fun and worthwhile. Although there are a lot of websites around with very creative and interesting ideas, only a few can be done in our church and only a few (sad to say 😦 ) are within the principles of Adventism.

So instead of looking for one, I am making one to help others. Me and my fellow youth leaders in our church are very much excited to share with all of you our program ideas and other encouragements that you can use in your own churches.

Stay tuned for a whirlwind of ideas coming your way. All designed to uplift, encourage and inspire all youths as we travel heavenward.