Starting anew

Image result for thank you

We had this program during the first Sabbath of the year.

We prepared a board and placed it by the pulpit.

We then handed out post-it notes of different colors to the members of the congregation. One person may have a different number of post-it notes, remind them that they have to write down on the post its things or people that they are thankful to God for, for the last year.

Encourage church mates to write something specific and not just anything in general.

After writing down, let them stick it to the prepared board in front. We then will see how many things we have all been thankful for the last year.

After these activity, hand out slips of paper (these could be printed in advance) written on the slips of paper would be THANK YOU, I’M SORRY, I’LL BE PRAYING FOR YOU.

Related image

And again one person can have multiple numbers of papers according to their need.

For the first activity they wrote down things that they are thankful for to God, this time let them write down things for other people/church mates. 

After filling up the slips of paper ask congregation to distribute them to the people they are thankful for, to the people they are sorry for and for the people they will be praying for.

Allow time for people to go around.

End activity with asking some members of the congregation to come up on the pulpit and share some testimonies and experiences they had last year. 

Hope this program helps all of you.

Image result for i'm praying for you

Continue to be a blessing,


Learn from the Flowers

This was one of our AY programs last 2017. And I would like to share this with you all. Please feel free to modify to your church needs. You can also add more lessons just like we did. Add pictures of flowers that depict lessons. I would love to share the presentation that we had but unfortunately, files from the laptop can’t be retrieved at the moment.

Flowers represent everything beautiful about springtime – and they also make pretty good teachers on how to live fully in any season. Here are ten inspiring thoughts from the mind of a daffodil, tulip, rose, or whichever bud you prefer!

1. Follow the sunlight. Following God’s command.

2. Take your time. Patience in God’s time.

3. Be yourself. A peculiar person of God.

4. Make friends. Surround yourself with those who care and support. Be a friend.

5. Smile bright. Spread your colors into the world. Spread God’s message to the world.

6. Stand tall. Be proud of everything you do and achieve. Never be ashamed of being a Christian.

7. Stay grounded. Keep yourself connected – water your roots often.

8. Have faith. Know that the sun always emerges from the clouds.

9. Don’t mind bees. Even the bees are your friends. Do your thing, and let busybodies play their part.

10. Feel the rain. Open your pores and drink in every season.

Additional Lessons:

11.) Be Humble.

12.) Pray regularly/Bow your head in prayer.


After the slide show of flowers. Create 4 groups among the congregation. We had one group for the youth. one for the women, one for the men and another for the juniors. We had 4 groups because we had 4 flowers mentioned in the Bible used as a topic. Feel free to add more groups depending on how big your church is.

Group 1 – Rose of Sharon in Song of Solomon 2:1

Image result for rose of sharon

Group 2 – Hyssop in Leviticus 14:52

Image result for hyssop

Group 3 – Lily of the Valley in Hosea 14:5  or Luke 12:27-28

Image result for lily of the valley

Group 4 – Frankincense in Matthew 2:10, 11

Image result for Frankincense (Boswellia thurifera)


QUESTIONS for the groups to answer:

1.) What is symbolized/depicted by the flower in the verse.

2.) What life lesson can we learn from the flower assigned.

3.) Share your favorite flower to the group and share why.


Stay blessed,







