Summer Youth Retreat 2015 : Steps to Christ

The theme of this year’s youth retreat was “Steps to Christ”, and we used the book Steps to Christ by Ellen White as our guide. we also used the song “In Christ Alone” as our theme song.

I will be sharing to all of you in this post our small and simple activities that you can all try at your local churches. We had a 4-day youth retreat held in one of our fellow youth’s farm house here in Davao City. Their house is located on the country side, where the weather was cold and perfect. We preferred that the retreat be held at a different place and away from most of the adults from the church. It was solely for the youth members of the church. In our case 9 of us were present. If you happen to have a big group of youth, you can try asking from a farmhouse of one of the brethren too or simply a church lock down.

We cooked our meals using firewood that we got from the woods. Fetched water, since the house that we stay in had no potable water supply. Most of the members were not in their comfort zones and were experiencing firsthand how it is to live away from the city.

For the first day, we had an orientation, where we laid out some of our goals and expectations for the retreat. We drew lots for our prayer marathon partners and made a schedule for the chores and prayer marathon.

Activity #1: Self Identity. On the first night we had the Identity Activity. First we filled out an empty brain drawing (prepared before going to the venue) of what was on our minds. For each space that you fill in, also write down the percentage of how much it occupies your mind. Example things to write down are life choices, career, marriage, dating, money, ambitions, cars, even hobbies and things that you like can be written down.

Then take turns in explaining it to the whole group. This activity lets everybody know what’s on your mind or how your brain works. And all of you can get to know each other more.

Activity #2: Compliment Wall. Following the first activity we wrote down each of our names on the back side of the paper and passed it to everybody (it is best that everybody is seated down forming a circle, so that it’s easier to pass the paper around), we allotted around 20 seconds for each person to write down compliments to whom the paper belongs.

For each activity start and end with a prayer. Also practice having a group prayer and then after finishing it continue to individual silent prayer.

Activity #3: Prayer Marathon. Every night at exactly 12 MN (we started late since we only had 5 pairs of prayer partners, you can start earlier if your group is bigger) Before ending a program that night we wrote down on pieces of papers our prayer requests, we then placed them in a Prayer Pail.

The prayer partners will then pray for the prayer requests on their designated time. They will also answer questions on the Steps to Christ Study Guide Book that we prepared.

Activity #4: Morning Devotionals. Assign a group to take care of morning devotionals, also assigning topics/chapters from book, Steps to Christ to discuss.

Activity #5: Tracts Distribution/Blood Pressure Taking. For Friday morning we had the opportunity to walk around the neighborhood while giving out tracts about the Sabbath and Health. We also took the blood pressures and gave advises about health. We used GODSPLAN (NEWSTART).

Activity #6: Sundown Worship. Before the sunset on Friday, and after all the Sabbath preparations were finished. We had a sundown worship also using the books, Steps to Christ. For this activity, you can try writing down individual spirit graphs.

Spirit graphs are are graphs which will have GOOD and BAD (heaven or hell) on the top and bottom of the paper. And let the youth plot their spiritual lives starting from their birth or year of baptism until the present. Were they on the good side or the bad? Were there a lot of drops or increases in the plot?

After that activity try to again write down the names of each youth on their paper and pass it along again, but this time, others should write down on the papers that things that they wish that person would change, like attitudes, habits, characteristics and etc.

Give a few minutes and let everyone read their own papers. And let them talk about their feelings. The program leader should always tell the youth that the activity is not trying to bring you down but instead lift each other up. Because no one else can see our personalities than the person whose beside us all the time.  After which let the youth write down the things that they must change in themselves. End again with a prayer and a song.

Activity #6: Sabbath School. For the Sabbath school program we had each pair discuss a chapter from the Steps to Christ book. Following as well the question prepared from the study guide book.

Activity #7: Divine Service. We asked our church pastor to join us for the Sabbath and he gave a sermon and encouragement for all the youth.

Activity #8: Sabbath Afternoon/Bible Marking. We prepared a bible marking program in the afternoon, where each of the youth can spend some time marking their own bibles and reading them. In between breaks you can try assigning members to give songs or testimonies or group prayers.

Activity #9: Forgiveness and Consecration: To end the activities. We asked each of the youth write down thank you and sorry notes to each others. As well as commitment and sorry notes for God. It was time for reconciliation and for everyone to say some few words about their experience over the weekend and how it will affect their passion and willingness to serve the Lord.

The program mentioned above is very simple and short, we also felt it was short and wanted to have another youth lock-in soon. But it was a step made to be able to unite and ignite the spirit within the members of the youth. We prayerfully ask that each one of them that joined the program will be able to live a life that is renewed in Christ and be able to use their talents for the service of the Lord and to hasten His coming.

I pray that all Seventh Day Adventist youths around the world will be inspired to do more for our Lord and the church. To cast away all negative thoughts, selfishness, self care, doubts and fears and to fully surrender everything to God. Be one with HIm in follow in His footsteps.

May we all pray for each other.

Blessed and Broken

I’m blessed and broken, as a token, of a love I can’t deny. 
I’m torn in pieces, by my Jesus, the only way to beautify. 
Though the pain be bittersweet, This transformation He will complete.
I’m blessed and broken, for only brokenness can heal.
I trust in Your will Father God.
That the pain that I am feeling right now,
Is part of Your grander plan for my life.
I am a work in progress,
I will patiently endure and trust You.
You know better than I.