AY Program Idea: Telling Stories through Music

Witnessing refers to the act of sharing one’s faith in God, particularly the beliefs and teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with others. Witnessing is seen as a fundamental duty and privilege for us, as it aligns with our mission to spread the gospel message and prepare people for the second coming of Jesus Christ. We witness through:

  1. Sharing the Gospel: Witnessing involves sharing the core beliefs of the SDA faith, including the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath, the understanding of the Second Coming of Christ, and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Personal Testimony: Witnessing often includes sharing one’s personal faith journey and experiences with God. Personal testimonies can be powerful tools for evangelism, as they demonstrate how God has worked in an individual’s life.
  3. Active Outreach: Various forms of outreach, such as distributing literature, conducting Bible studies, participating in mission trips, and organizing evangelistic events. These activities are meant to reach individuals who may not be familiar with the Adventist beliefs and provide opportunities for them to learn more.
  4. Lifestyle Witnessing: We place a strong emphasis on living a Christian lifestyle as a form of witnessing. This includes maintaining a healthy diet, abstaining from harmful substances, and striving for moral and ethical excellence. By living according to these beliefs, we hope to be a positive influence on others and attract them to the faith.
  5. Encouraging Bible Study: Witnessing often involves encouraging individuals to study the Bible. We believe that a deep understanding of the Bible is essential for spiritual growth and salvation.
  6. Prayerful Approach: Witnessing is approached with prayer and a reliance on the Holy Spirit.

Today, we will explore the biblical foundation and insights to understand how we can be effective witnesses for our Lord through the gift of music.

I. Music’s Role in Worship
A. Let’s start with the Bible. In Psalm 95:1-2, we read, “Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise.” Music has been an integral part of worship since ancient times.
B. Sis. Ellen White echoes this sentiment in “The Ministry of Healing” (pg. 254), saying, “Song is a weapon that we can always use against discouragement. As we thus open the heart to the sunshine of God’s presence, we shall have courage and faith and hope.”
C. Our music during worship should elevate our spirits, connect us with God’s presence, and set an example for others to join in praise.

II. The Power of Testimony in Song
A. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul encourages us in Colossians 3:16, saying, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Our songs should be rich in spiritual truth and testimonies of God’s grace.
B. In “Christ’s Object Lessons” (pg. 300), emphasizes, “Song is one of the most effective means of impressing spiritual truth upon the heart.” Our songs should be vehicles for conveying the gospel message.
C. As SDA youth, our songs should reflect our faith, hope, and the love of Christ. Our music should be a witness of the transformation that God has wrought in our lives.

The stories behind some of the most cherished classic hymns in our Seventh-day Adventist tradition convey testimonies. These hymns are more than just songs; they are a testament to the faith, struggles, and inspiration of those who penned them.

“Hark! The Voice of Jesus Calling”
A. This hymn, written by Daniel March, reminds us of our call to follow Jesus.
B. March’s life was marked by a deep desire for evangelism and missions, reflecting our Adventist mission to share the gospel with the world.
C. As we sing this hymn, let it serve as a reminder of our own call to spread the good news.

“Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling”
A. Will L. Thompson penned this hymn, which speaks of Jesus’ gentle and persistent call to come to Him.
B. Thompson’s story is one of personal conversion, highlighting the transformative power of Christ’s love.
C. In our own lives, may we heed Jesus’ call and respond with humility and surrender.

“Beneath the Cross of Jesus”
A. Written by Elizabeth C. Clephane, this hymn reflects on the profound sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
B. Clephane’s life was marked by compassion and a desire to serve the poor, mirroring Christ’s love for the marginalized.
C. As we sing this hymn, may it inspire us to embrace the selfless love of Christ and serve those in need.

“I Surrender All”
A. This hymn, authored by Judson W. Van DeVenter, expresses the surrender of one’s life to God.
B. Van DeVenter’s story is one of wrestling with his own ambitions before fully yielding to God’s calling.
C. As we sing these words, let us examine our hearts and make the commitment to surrender all to our Savior.

“Nearer, Still Nearer”
A. Lelia N. Morris wrote this hymn, emphasizing the desire to draw nearer to God.
B. Morris’ life was marked by personal tragedies, but her faith remained steadfast, reflecting the resilience and hope found in Christ.
C. May this hymn remind us that in times of trial, drawing nearer to God is our source of strength and comfort.

These classic hymns are not just beautiful melodies; they are the stories of faith, dedication, and personal encounters with Christ. As Seventh-day Adventists, we have a rich tradition of worshiping through song, and these hymns continue to inspire us today. Let us remember the hymn writers’ journeys and the deep spiritual lessons they convey.

III. Musical Outreach and Evangelism
A. Music can serve as a powerful tool for evangelism. In “Gospel Workers” (pg. 170), “Music is one of the most effective means of impressing the heart with spiritual truth.” Concerts, praise nights, and musical outreach events can draw in those who may not otherwise attend church services.
B. Our music should be a bridge to lead others to Christ. Whether through singing, playing instruments, or composing, our musical talents can be used to engage people with the gospel message.
C. Sis. Ellen White further advises in “Evangelism” (pg. 506), “Wherever a company is assembled for His service, their songs of praise should be like holy incense, filling the temple with a cloud of fragrance.” Our musical offerings should be offered as a sweet fragrance to God and a blessing to those who hear.

IV. Practicing Excellence
A. Sis. Ellen White underscores the importance of excellence in music when she states in “Education” (pg. 168), “Let the church be the place where excellent music is appreciated and where the performers are honored.” Excellence in music not only honors God but also makes a lasting impact on our audience.
B. As SDA youth, we should be committed to developing our musical talents to the best of our abilities. By offering our best to God, we demonstrate our commitment to His work.

Activity/Group Discussion:

  1. What does it mean to “witness” in the context of our SDA faith, and why is it important, especially for young Adventists?
  2. Can you share a personal experience when music played a role in helping you witness to someone or when a song had a significant impact on your faith journey?
  3. How do you think music can serve as a powerful tool for sharing our Christian beliefs and values with others, both within and outside the Adventist community?
  4. What are some classic hymns or contemporary Christian songs that you believe effectively tell a story of faith and can be used for witnessing? Share your favorites and explain why they resonate with you.
  5. In your opinion, how can SDA youth incorporate music into their outreach efforts? Can you think of specific musical activities or events that could be organized to reach out to the community?
  6. Sis. Ellen White emphasized the importance of music in conveying spiritual truth. How do you see music fulfilling this role in our modern context, and what responsibilities do musicians and worship leaders have in this regard?
  7. Discuss the idea of “lifestyle witnessing” through music. How can the way we live our lives and the music we choose to create or listen to reflect our Christian faith to those around us?
  8. How can technology and social media be utilized to share Christian music and stories of faith with a broader audience, especially among young people who may not attend traditional church services?
  9. Have you ever encountered resistance or skepticism when sharing your faith through music? How did you handle such situations, and what lessons did you learn from them?
  10. As a group, brainstorm and create a list of songs that could be part of a “storytelling through music” playlist. What themes or messages should these songs convey to effectively witness to others?
  11. How can prayer be integrated into the process of using music to tell a story of faith and witness to others? Share personal experiences or ideas on the role of prayer in music ministry.
  12. In what ways can we support and encourage fellow SDA youth who have musical talents and a desire to use them for witnessing and ministry?


Music is a divine gift, a powerful tool that can lead hearts to Christ. Our music should be more than just melodies and harmonies; it should be a testimony of our faith, a means of worship, and a tool for outreach. As we strive for excellence and use music as a witness, we can truly make a difference in our world, drawing others closer to the love of Christ. May our lives be a melody of faith, singing the praises of our Savior to all who will listen. As we sing hymns in our worship services, may our hearts be stirred, our faith renewed, and our commitment to following Jesus strengthened. Let us continue to cherish these hymns and pass down their stories and significance to future generations, for they are a testament to the enduring power of faith in Christ. Amen.

AY Program Idea: Harmonizing your Heart

Title: Harmonizing Your Heart Through Music

Today’s topic, resonates with the soul of every young person: music. Music is a universal language that has the power to uplift, inspire, and transform our lives. As we delve into this subject, we’ll draw wisdom from the Bible and the writings of Sis. Ellen G. White to understand how we can harmonize our hearts through music.

I. The Power of Music:

  1. Music in Worship:
  • In the Bible, we find numerous references to music as a powerful tool for worship. Psalm 150:1-6 encourages us to praise God with various instruments and voices, highlighting the importance of music in our spiritual journey.
  • “Song is one of the most effective means of impressing spiritual truth upon the heart.”
  1. Music and Emotion:
  • Music has the ability to evoke strong emotions within us. It can uplift us during times of sadness or inspire us in moments of joy.
  • The book of Psalms is a testament to the emotional power of music. David, the Psalmist, used music to express his deepest feelings and thoughts to God.

II. Choosing Uplifting Music:

  1. The Impact of Lyrics:
  • Proverbs 4:23 advises us to “guard our hearts above all else, for it determines the course of our lives.” This wisdom extends to the music we listen to. We should be discerning about the lyrics in the songs we choose.
  • “The words of sacred song are the exponents of thought and feeling” (“Education”).
  1. Music Reflects Our Values:
  • The music we surround ourselves with can reflect our values and beliefs. It’s important to select music that aligns with our Christian principles.
  • Philippians 4:8 instructs us to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and of good repute. This applies to our musical choices as well.

III. Creating Harmony in Our Hearts:

  1. Purity of Heart:
  • Jesus teaches in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” By selecting music that promotes purity and righteousness, we can harmonize our hearts with God’s will.
  1. Praising God Through Music:
  • Colossians 3:16 encourages us to let the message of Christ dwell among us richly as we teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in our hearts.
  • Music can be a means of praising God and drawing closer to Him.

Activity/Group Discussion:

  1. What role does music play in your life? How does it impact your emotions and thoughts?
  2. Can you think of a specific song that has brought you closer to God or helped you through a difficult time? What was it about that song that had such an impact on you?
  3. In what ways can music be a form of worship? How can we use music to draw nearer to God in our personal and corporate worship experiences?
  4. The Bible encourages us to guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23). How does the music we listen to affect the condition of our hearts and minds? Share examples.
  5. Sis. Ellen G. White mentioned that “the words of sacred song are the exponents of thought and feeling.” How do the lyrics of a song influence our spiritual growth and understanding of God’s truth?
  6. Are there any genres of music or specific songs that you feel are not conducive to a Christian lifestyle? Why or why not? How do you discern what music to avoid?
  7. How can we encourage one another in our musical choices, ensuring that we are uplifting each other and supporting our Christian values?
  8. Discuss the idea of using music as a tool for evangelism. Have you ever used music to share your faith or engage in conversations about spirituality with others?
  9. What are some practical ways we can incorporate music into our daily lives to enhance our spiritual journey and harmonize our hearts with God’s will?
  10. Share personal experiences of moments when music has helped you connect with God on a deeper level. How can we intentionally seek out such experiences through music?
  11. In what ways can we use music to promote unity and fellowship within our church community and among SDA youth?
  12. How can we strike a balance between enjoying secular music for its artistic value and ensuring that our primary focus remains on music that glorifies God and aligns with our faith?

Let us remember that music is a precious gift from God. It has the power to shape our hearts, inspire our souls, and draw us closer to our Creator. As we choose the music we listen to and engage with, let us seek harmony in our hearts by aligning our choices with the wisdom of the Bible and the teachings of Ellen G. White.

May our hearts be filled with melodies of praise and worship, and may our music always reflect the love and purity of Christ. Let us go forth, harmonizing our hearts through music, and continue to grow in our faith and relationship with our Heavenly Father. Amen.

The Power of Songs


Reference: The Voice in Speech and Song Chapter 64

“The history of the songs of the Bible is full of suggestion as to the uses and benefits of music and song. Music is often perverted to serve purposes of evil, and it thus becomes one of the most alluring agencies of temptation. But, rightly employed, it is a precious gift of God, designed to uplift the thoughts to high and noble themes, to inspire and elevate the soul.

As the children of Israel, journeying through the wilderness, cheered their way by the music of sacred song, so God bids His children today gladden their pilgrim life. There are few means more effective for fixing His words in the memory than repeating them in song. And such song has wonderful power. It has power to subdue rude and uncultivated natures; power to quicken thought and to awaken sympathy, to promote harmony of action, and to banish the gloom and foreboding that destroy courage and weaken effort.

It is one of the most effective means of impressing the heart with spiritual truth. How often to the soul hard-pressed and ready to despair, memory recalls some word of God’s—the long-forgotten burden of a childhood song—and temptations lose their power, life takes on new meaning and new purpose, and courage and gladness are imparted to other souls!”. -VSS 407.

For this AY program group dynamic we will be having a discussion about the use and power of music.

Start with a small talk about the power of music, you can use the reference above.

Divide congregatiom into small groups. Let them pick between:

1. A Means of Education.

2. A Means of Prayer

3. A Means of Resisting Temptation

4. A Means of Family Union

Discussion Questions:

1. How can songs be used in selected means?

2. How and when should talents in singing be appropriately used for God?

3. What are the effects of holy songs and singing?

4. What are the dangers of songs? How can Satan use songs to lure us into temptations?

Give the groups time to discuss their answers. Ask groups to sing a song in relation to their group discussion in front. And a representative to give a summary of their discussion answers.


Reference: The Voice in Speech and Song Chapter 65

“When Christ was a child like these children here, He was tempted to sin, but He did not yield to temptation. As He grew older He was tempted, but the songs His mother had taught Him to sing came into His mind, and He would lift His voice in praise. And before His companions were aware of it, they would be singing with Him. God wants us to use every facility which Heaven has provided for resisting the enemy.

With a song, Jesus in His earthly life met temptation. Often when sharp, stinging words were spoken, often when the atmosphere about Him was heavy with gloom, with dissatisfaction, distrust, or oppressive fear, was heard His song of faith and holy cheer.

Christ often held communion with heaven in song. The men of Nazareth often heard His voice raised in prayer and thanksgiving to God; and those who associated with Him, who often complained of their weariness, were cheered by the sweet melody that fell from His lips.

The early morning often found Him in some secluded place, meditating, searching the Scriptures, or in prayer. With the voice of singing He welcomed the morning light. With songs of thanksgiving He cheered His hours of labor and brought heaven’s gladness to the toilworn and disheartened.

Often He expressed the gladness of His heart by singing psalms and heavenly songs. Often the dwellers in Nazareth heard His voice raised in praise and thanksgiving to God. He held communion with heaven in song; and as His companions complained of weariness from labor, they were cheered by the sweet melody from His lips. His praise seemed to banish the evil angels, and, like incense, fill the place with fragrance. The minds of His hearers were carried away from their earthly exile, to the heavenly home.”

Let us be like Jesus and sing praises to the Lord. Let us consecrate our talents and make use of it for ministry. Let us continue to be a blessing.




Music and Moods

How music can change your mood and what you should be listening to!

Image source: https://www.simplegirl.com/blog/can-music-change-your-mood/

Hello everyone.

It has been too long since my last post.

I am posting here today a Powerpoint presentation of an AY program we had a long time ago. I came across it today as I was cleaning my external drive. 

This short message is about Music and how it affects the listener’s mood.

This short message may be followed by a group discussion activity regarding the use of music.

An example of an activity would be to organize congregation into groups according to age, so as to gather the youth together and let them answer the following sample questions.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you like SDA church music? and Why?
  2. Don’t you think its “boring” compared to other religious groups music?
  3. Do you have any preferences in music.
  4. How do you feel with music that has drums in the accompaniment?
  5. How about the lyrics? What do you think of evangelical songs or modern religious songs?

These are only sample questions, please add more if you please. 

May this be a blessing.


Hoping to be a blessing, 


 Download here: Music and Moods 

Program Idea: Scripture Songs

Hello everyone,

It has been a while since my last post. So I am making up for it tonight.I will be sharing a program idea to all of you.

To fill up empty parts of your program you can teach the congregation with scripture songs.

Scripture songs are short songs from bible verses, they are easy to learn and memorize.

Memorizing verses will become easier when we sing them.

You can find a lot of scripture songs on the internet. You can download them and learn the songs first before you start teaching them.

There is also a great app on Google Play Store named Scripture SInger, which you can download and learn new songs.

Click here to view app details.

Hope this idea will become helpful to all.

Be a blessing.

I Love You Anyway by Josie Minikus

A little inspiration and encouragement for this Sabbath evening.

I Love You Anyway by Josie Minikus
“To My gentle searching eyes there have been no disguises
Nothing that you have done that you can hide
I’ve seen you in your darkness sin and know the pain and guilt within,
But the question on your mind am i worth saving anyway

I see you child for who you are
Know that sin has left its ugly scars
But I know who you were meant to be
And My love will set you free

So come weary child rest beside Me for awhile
I know your care the burdens that you bare
Abide in My love hide in My love
Don’t push Me away ashamed and afraid
I know who you are
And I love you anyway My child

So bring Me all your wants and needs
I promise they can’t burden Me
Most desperate one cannot exceed My care for you
And bring Me all your doubts and fears
The hurt you haven’t faced in years
The wounded heart you stuffed inside
The tears you’ve tride so hard to hide

So come weary child rest beside Me for awhile
I know your care the burdens that you bare
Abide in My love hide in My love
Don’t push Me away ashamed and afraid
I know who you are
And I love you anyway My child

So come to Me just the way you are
Though your fallen hard and wandered far
Stop trying to be so brave so strong
It’s okay to cry child tears aren’t wrong

So come weary child rest beside Me for awhile
I know your care the burdens that you bare
Abide in My love hide in My love
Don’t push Me away ashamed and afraid
I know who you are
And I love you anyway My child
Yes I love you always My child”

In between services ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Glory to God in music and in songs.

I am very much pleased by the fire within the hearts of our church youth members these days.

Every Sabbath afternoon before our AY program, the youth decided to start learning new songs,

and not only that the older sister and brothers are teaching the young ones on how to play different music instrument,

like the ukulele, guitar, recorder, violin, piano and also teaching them some new songs.

May we continue to be a blessing. God bless us all.

Write them on my Heart

Heard this song over Youtube and liked it very much.

The lyrics are just really amazing and true,

I hope you all get inspired to follow God’s commandments upon hearing this song.

Write Them on My Heart

You’ve written what You want from me in stone

 A refection of Your character alone

So I try to keep Your laws without regret

But I’m easily distracted and forget

So write them on my heart

Seal them in my mind

The beauty of Your law and grace combined

Remind me just how lovely Your commandments are

And write them on the tablet of my heart

 There ‘s only one desire inside of me

It’s to be everything You created me to be

And I know the only way that I can grow

 It’s for You to come inside and take control

 So write them on my heart

 Seal them in my mind

The beauty of Your law and grace combined

Remind me just how lovely Your commandments are

 And write them on the tablets of my heart

Your law reflects Your goodness

 The cross reveals Your grace

Love is the motivation behind your perfect ways

So write them on my heart

Seal them in my mind

The beauty of Your law and grace combined

Remind me just how lovely Your commandments are

And write them on the tablets of my heart

So write them on my heart

Engrave them in my mind

The beauty of Your law and grace combined

Remind me just how lovely Your commandments are

And write them on the tablets of my heart

 Remind me just how lovely Your commandments are

And write them on the tablets of my heart..

Hello and Welcome



Hello everyone. And welcome to our blog. this happens to be the first post in here so I am kinda excited to write about it.

This blog aims to connect with SDA youth and non-SDA youth around the world, to share with each other our ideas and inspirations to further ignite our spirits in Christ.

The need to blog about it came every time I try to search online for ideas on how to further make our Adventist Youth Sabbath afternoon programs more fun and worthwhile. Although there are a lot of websites around with very creative and interesting ideas, only a few can be done in our church and only a few (sad to say 😦 ) are within the principles of Adventism.

So instead of looking for one, I am making one to help others. Me and my fellow youth leaders in our church are very much excited to share with all of you our program ideas and other encouragements that you can use in your own churches.

Stay tuned for a whirlwind of ideas coming your way. All designed to uplift, encourage and inspire all youths as we travel heavenward.