Armor of God: Shield of Faith

“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” Ephesians 6:16

Dear youth, today we embark on a journey through the Word of God to explore the significance of the Shield of Faith as an indispensable component of the Armor of God. Our focus will be on the harrowing account of Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27:21-37 and 28:1, where we witness the power of faith to sustain us through life’s storms.

The shield of faith is a great weapon for protection because we can move it around and defend ourselves from specific attacks. The Bible says we can use it to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. It does not say “if” the arrows come but “when” they do, we will not be powerless against them.

The truth is that the enemy is constantly attacking us. Your enemy wants to distract you with flaming arrows and surprise you. He has tailored his strategy specific for you. He has studied your habits, your deepest fears and weaknesses, and has aimed his arrows at those areas specifically.

Faith is believing God and His Word, even if we cannot see His spiritual kingdom. We know that God exists even though we cannot see Him, and that is faith in our hearts. As we have faith, we can defeat these directed attacks of the enemy.

Paul’s Perilous Journey (Acts 27:21-37)

In today’s Bible story from the book of Acts, Paul, accompanied by other prisoners and Roman soldiers, embarked on a treacherous voyage from Caesarea to Rome. As they sailed, they encountered fierce winds and tempestuous seas, threatening to engulf the ship and its passengers. Paul was at sea during a terrible storm, and God tells him that no one aboard ship will die from the storm!

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Paul remained steadfast in his faith, assuring his companions that God had promised their safety and that no lives would be lost. He urged them to take heart and trust in God’s providence. Paul chose to believe that God had spoken to him, even though he could not see God. It is exciting to see that next Paul tells everyone what God said, and has them eat a large meal for strength. Not only did Paul believe God, but he was willing to publicly share God’s message with others and act on the message! He would have been terribly embarrassed if someone would have died from the shipwreck. Sometimes we also need to go public on the Word of God, believing Him instead of men.

Despite the crew’s initial skepticism, the centurion in charge heeded Paul’s counsel and ordered the sailors to cut loose the lifeboats, trusting in God’s promise of deliverance.

The Shield of Faith: Extinguishing the Flaming Arrows of the Evil One (Ephesians 6:16)

Just as a shield protects a soldier from the fiery arrows of the enemy, faith shields us from the assaults of doubt, fear, and temptation. Sis. Ellen G. White affirms the power of faith, stating, “Faith is the connecting link between God and man” (Steps to Christ, p. 64).

Paul’s unwavering faith in God’s promises enabled him to face the storm with courage and confidence. He knew that God was faithful to His word and would fulfill His purposes despite the dire circumstances.

In the midst of life’s trials and tribulations, faith extinguishes the fiery arrows of the evil one, dispelling doubt and fear with the assurance of God’s presence and provision.

Lessons on Faith Amidst the Storms of Life

Anchored in God’s Word: Like Paul, we must anchor our faith in the promises of God’s Word, trusting in His faithfulness to see us through every trial and tribulation.

Courage in the Face of Adversity: In times of adversity, let us take courage and stand firm in our faith, knowing that God is with us and will never leave us nor forsake us.

Community and Encouragement: Just as Paul encouraged his companions during the storm, let us support and uplift one another in times of need, reminding each other of God’s promises and faithfulness.

Application to Youth Today:

Strengthening Our Faith: As young Adventists, let us actively nurture and strengthen our faith through prayer, study of God’s Word, and fellowship with other believers.

Facing Life’s Challenges: In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, may we take up the Shield of Faith, trusting in God’s promises to guide, protect, and sustain us through every storm.

Sharing the Hope of Faith: Let us be beacons of hope and encouragement to those around us, sharing the transformative power of faith in God’s unfailing love and grace.

As we reflect on the story of Paul’s shipwreck, may we be inspired to take up the Shield of Faith, anchoring ourselves in God’s promises amidst the storms of life. Let us face each day with courage and confidence, knowing that our faith in God’s faithfulness will extinguish every fiery arrow of the evil one. And may our lives bear witness to the transforming power of faith, shining brightly in a world desperate for hope and assurance. Amen.

Activity/Group Discussion Questions:

  1. In real life, what are some examples of the “fiery arrows of the evil one” that you encounter in your daily life? How do these challenges to your faith manifest, and how do they impact your beliefs and convictions?
  2. Can you share a specific example of how you’ve used your shield of faith to deflect one of these arrows? What scriptures or truths from God’s Word did you rely on to strengthen your faith and overcome doubt or fear?
  3. What practical steps do you take to ensure that you don’t leave your house without your faith? How do you intentionally cultivate a strong foundation of faith in your life, and what role does consistent Bible study, prayer, and memorization of scripture play in this process?
  4. How did Paul receive assurance from God that despite the storm, no lives would be lost? Reflect on the significance of the angelic visitation and Paul’s response to God’s message. How does this story demonstrate the power of faith in the midst of adversity?
  5. Building on the previous question, have you ever experienced a moment where you received a clear message or assurance from God during a challenging situation? How did this experience impact your faith and strengthen your trust in God’s providence?
  6. Discuss the importance of community and support in maintaining and strengthening our faith. How can we encourage one another and stand together in times of doubt or uncertainty, reminding each other of God’s promises and faithfulness?
  7. How can we apply the lessons learned from Paul’s experience with the shield of faith to our own lives today? What practical strategies can we implement to ensure that our faith remains strong and resilient, even in the face of trials and tribulations?
  8. As young Adventists, how can we boldly proclaim our faith in a world that often challenges or rejects our beliefs? How can we use our shield of faith not only to protect ourselves but also to share the hope and truth of the gospel with others?
  9. Take a moment to pray together as a group, asking God to strengthen our faith, grant us wisdom and discernment, and empower us to live as faithful witnesses of His love and truth in our communities.

What do you think?