Group Dynamics: Why or How?

This is a very easy to prepare and do group activity for your Sabbath afternoon programs.

We have been having quizzes every Sabbath afternoon in our church, and just last Sabbath we finished the Prophets and Kings book by Sis. Ellen G. White. Our quizzes would comprise of 15 questions from 5 chapters of the book.

Just this Sabbath afternoon we had a group activity about it, this is what we did before we start our quiz on the next book the Desire of Ages next Sabbath.


1.) List down statements/phrases from the book. We listed down 12 statements from the book Prophets and Kings.

Prosperity is most dangerous to the spiritual life.

“As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked”.

The spirit of idolatry today is under the influence of science and education, it has assumed forms more refined and attractive than in the days of Ahaziah.

God’s plan is not to send messengers who will please and flatter sinners.

The remnant of Judah were to go into captivity, to learn through adversity the lessons they had refused to learn under circumstances more favorable.

Heaven is very near those who suffer for righteousness’ sake.

Nothing in this world is so dear to the heart of God as His church.

Love of money and love of display have made this world as a den of thieves and robbers.

God’s remnant people, standing before the world as reformers, are to be repairers of the breach, restorers of paths to dwell in .

The wants of the soul only the love of Christ can satisfy.

The missionary spirit that God had implanted in the heart of Solomon and in the hearts of all true Israelites was replaced by a spirit of commercialism.

Today there is a need of the voice of stern rebuke; for grievous sins have separated the people from God.

2.) Write down the numbers 1-12 (depending on how many statements you prepared) on a small sheet of paper and then roll them, so that the group leaders could choose one or more, depending on how long you want this activity to be, for our program we let them choose 3 papers each group. The numbers would represent a different statement from the list above.


1.) After being grouped into, the leader will choose from the rolled papers and then they will simply answer the question “HOW? or WHY?” for each statement (question will vary depending on the statement.

2.) After a given amount of time, the group then will select a representative to share with the rest of the church their answers.

This activity as simple as it may seem, will encourage the church members to find the answer to some seemingly simple statements. It is one way of reminding them about the truths found within the Holy Scriptures and in the Spirit of Prophecy.

I hope you will be able to use this at your own church programs.

Sabbath evening thoughts.


I come to be broken
As clay in my Potter’s hands.
I come to cry and to suffer
For things I’d later understand.
So break me, my Maker and God;
I come to be undone.
Make me pure and whole again.
Lord, I come. I come.
– from my sister’s blog .

I Love You Anyway by Josie Minikus

A little inspiration and encouragement for this Sabbath evening.

I Love You Anyway by Josie Minikus
“To My gentle searching eyes there have been no disguises
Nothing that you have done that you can hide
I’ve seen you in your darkness sin and know the pain and guilt within,
But the question on your mind am i worth saving anyway

I see you child for who you are
Know that sin has left its ugly scars
But I know who you were meant to be
And My love will set you free

So come weary child rest beside Me for awhile
I know your care the burdens that you bare
Abide in My love hide in My love
Don’t push Me away ashamed and afraid
I know who you are
And I love you anyway My child

So bring Me all your wants and needs
I promise they can’t burden Me
Most desperate one cannot exceed My care for you
And bring Me all your doubts and fears
The hurt you haven’t faced in years
The wounded heart you stuffed inside
The tears you’ve tride so hard to hide

So come weary child rest beside Me for awhile
I know your care the burdens that you bare
Abide in My love hide in My love
Don’t push Me away ashamed and afraid
I know who you are
And I love you anyway My child

So come to Me just the way you are
Though your fallen hard and wandered far
Stop trying to be so brave so strong
It’s okay to cry child tears aren’t wrong

So come weary child rest beside Me for awhile
I know your care the burdens that you bare
Abide in My love hide in My love
Don’t push Me away ashamed and afraid
I know who you are
And I love you anyway My child
Yes I love you always My child”